Saturday, April 12, 2014

w h a t t h e r a n d o m .

t  h  r  o  w  b  a  c  k .

refer to my post at 2009 想做的一百件事 , that was like...holy cow freaking 4-5 years ago... 

there are plenty of stuff I've fulfilled, but some became quite ridiculous to me right now...such as...

12. 到海边去打工,能够天天都看见海~ [uhm...this is too naive :/ too much teen drama]

13. 玩Bungee Jump~一生人当中无论如何都要玩一次![i've decided to take back my words!]

14. 爬Mount Kota Kinabalu~虽然我爬山很老鼠屎,但我还是想爬![i hate hiking, i thought i never like it?!]

17. 拥有自己的热气球,随时随地能漂到空中。[this is no longer romantic to me, don't wanna waste money :/ ]

35. 每个月定时去美容院~! [seriously, no need la, unless it's like minor cosmetic surgery, but also won't go every month lo, I rather seek for doctor's opinion...]

36. 自己制作水晶指甲~ [nah ain't nobody got time for that~]

okay, the conclusion is AGE DOES MATTER!! 

but anyway, i'm so gonna write down what i wanted to do FOR NOW, as a record of the mindset I'm so having right now. 

1. to leave my hair long!!! like real long!!! at least as long as the picture shown below, and no more colourful hairs i guess...too old for that :S according to wikipedia, human hair grows 1/2 inch per month, and it will grow 6 inches in a year time...hence...i guess i need another 1 year and 6 months time to reach this length? HOLY COW...patience in NEED D'; *cryyyyy*

2. to lose weight... like honestly this take FOREVERRRRR!! I never know that I was this lean before...

like fitting in any garments without any dissatisfaction (okay luckily I did not buy that dress coz i will be so freaking sad for the failure of fitting it GODDAMNIT") and that time I am not doing any hardcore exercise just leading every normal daily routines, still drinking nutritious fruit blend every morning and can't wait for lunch everyday!!! RAWR what is wrong with my metabolism??? Oh well, things gonna start all over again...MUST LOSE WEIGHT BEFORE 25!!! 

JUST 2...make sure you get just 2 of this ultimate goals done before you head forward for the rest...learning from mistakes, DON'T EVER SET TOO MUCH GOALS FOR YOURSELF WHEN YOU CAN EVEN GET A SINGLE DONE. 

c  i  a  o  .

Saturday, March 8, 2014

辦公室3大致驚 - " 我打工嗟... "

大隻講老闆 ----- 讕係咁...
當你遇到咁嘅老闆你已經上咗賊船, 分分鐘連花紅都凍過水。
遇到D咩事都講 "nevermind" 搞到D員工都唔知點算致斃要你自己拆點佢,"大佬...究竟邊個係老細啊。" 最搞笑嘅就係起勢講自己幾咁經驗豐富,但係到頭來都係得個 "講" 字。應承D嘢唔好當真,亦都唔好抱音何希望,因為到最後佢地將會集體失憶當乜事都冇發生過。

唔知同事 ----- 你知鬼知啊!?
煽風點火,推卸責任樣樣掂。" 關我事嘎~我知嘎... " 一有D咩事就會話唔知,唔係佢負責,但係如果唔係你負責仲有邊鬼個負責啊?個老細傻嘅先會信你啊...一日都黑只係識得對住個電腦玩game,D老細真係傻嘎。

陷你於不義嘅同事 ----- 救命啊你想點?!
你唔幫手不旦止,仲落井下石。明明係自己做錯事但就打死唔認,除咗你仲會有邊個?玩明屈!唔好意思我唔會食死貓㗎!大不了辭職,死貓我吞唔落啊!Go find somebody on your own size, don't mess up with the wrong girl!!

對於哩間公司。。。我冇咩信心#-.- (力經百戰般,遍體鱗傷)

Friday, February 28, 2014

p r e t t y l i l t h i n g s i d i d

It's Fridayyyyyyyy~

it's a good mood day to feed my blog a lil post LOL (what a pathetic blog, only eats once in a few months)

Working as an OL for more than 300 days already, another 2 months would be a year, how do I feel?
(I think Dominjoon has paused my time and continued it 300 days later LOL that's it!!!) 

Basically time passes through me and I never fall back on time, I'm like sitting still at the same place, doing the same routines, randomness at all time...and yet, the most magical part is "I'm not feeling boring with it YET!!" SUPER AMAZING coz I'm such a "3mins-heat person" meaning I have short period of interest towards basically everything (learnedpianofor2years withoutrememberinganynote, attendedBalletclassfor3monthsonly, learnedJapaneseLanguageupto2Levels onlydidnotcompletetherestofthesyllabus...etcetc) and so...remarkably I'm still here!! no whining at all!! (maybe some complaints haha)

Anyway, my main point the midst of doing the same-o-routines everyday, here are something pretty things I did on one of the passed weekend :)


Photos taken at Bazarro KL (Bangsar)
Photos credited to Jane Lee <3
Makeup Artist ---> *me* :))) (yey~*whispering*)
Model ---> Evelyn Marieta & Daphne Chuah (aren't they pretty~~~)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

g r r r r r . . . . .

if you're that blind messing up with me even knowing that i'm not in the good mood...

take that!!!

First of  all:

I did my part, be nice to you and make sure things are in order, and passing documents to you IN PERSON. Anything you require me to do I have fulfilled em all...but HOW DARE you treat yourself like a boss, question me like I've did something wrong and sounds like you're complaining the task given like i'm not supposed to handover to you. HELLO? you're just a dispatch boy, AN OFFICE BOY!! why the heck shall I obey you that much and you're not even taking full responsible on what you're doing!!Do you really think that people shall worship you in order to get you do everything in order? NO!!!

I feel like biting for real...
can you go eat shit ???

Monday, November 11, 2013

C o m e . B a c k . T h i n g

it's been such a long while, since the last post...

why did i gave up? forget about the gov.politics.blackout.thing which drives me kinda depressed, livin' in a hopeless place...well that was just part of it, the main reason is i'm living as a O L now, perhaps LOLOL --- "LaughOutLoudOfficeLady"

the greatest change in my life? nahhh~i've always been changeling...change hobby change school change interest change culture change job change field, so i guess i have a lil bit of everything?
"NO!! JACK OF ALL TRADES, MASTER OF NONE" *thunder storms*
sigh i just wish i know what to do at the very first place

unfortunately there's no BUTs' nor WHAT-IFs', what a sucking-it-up life~
SO tell me about it, i don't wanna be the only person having such events.

LOADs and LOADss of blames, so what am i now? i'm actually not that bad after all. Wakingupontime-caughtinrandomtrafficjam-consistentlyeatingbreakfast-knowinghowexcitinglunchtimecouldbe-workloadthatmakesthetimepassesswiftly-inablink-timetogohome for 5 days and alternate saturday but saturday is abit different coz i ain't gonna be diligent on that day forgiveme*

but now, i'm expecting for some excitements within all these routines...
c'mon tell me what else without spending much

N e e d h e l p !!

c ya in no time ;)

Monday, May 6, 2013

# 2 0 1 3 0 5 0 6

i have no idea what on earth is happening...
in such an advance century, we're still being treated like dumb ass
i'm not a person who cares much about the politics,
but dirty facts were being shared all over the nation...
people who are willing to sacrifice to make a difference really need help
that's why we stood out, with a full force, with a hope,
with spirits that united people all over the nation

u n f o r t u n a t e l y . . .

l i e s . . .

i do not know whether i'm a pure Chinese or what,
but i'm clearly know that i have Chinese blood in me...and my nationality is a Malaysian
i do not understand why there's people out there asking us to go back to China
but not asking the Blangla, Indonesian, Vietnamese...etc etc to go back to where they belong
if i'm not Malaysian, i would definitely leave...
and i understand the reason why for not having any rights

p a t h e t i c a l l y . . .

i   a m   a   m a l a y s i a n ...

i love this country
and it's fated to be born here, i don't have a choice...

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

# 2 0 1 3 0 5 0 1

b e     I n s p i r e d .

h a p p y     l a b o u r     d a y
